Senior Project: AUComplaint (Tell Me the Truth)

In semester 1/2018, the following two international students did the senior project entitled AUComplaint (formerly called Tell Me the Truth) which was advised by Asst. Prof. Paitoon Porntrakoon.

  1. Alexander J. Fuller (573-8016 )
  2. Shahin R. (571-8470)

The executive summary of this project as well as the pictures of their final presentation are shown below.

Executive Summary

AUComplaint is a customized complaints management system designed and built specifically for use by Assumption University, Thailand. The deployed web application is accessible from any mobile or desktop device via the internet browser. The student interface is sleek in design, with a view to simplicity, making it easy for students to anonymously make a complaint with the 2 step complaining process, and complaints are directed immediately to the student’s faculty Secretaries.

The Administrator/Staff interface is easy to navigate and selectively displays all complaints related to the Staff member’s faculty. Complaints can be opened by each staff member to allow interaction with the Student by means of chat messages, as well as offering Staff the ability to easily forward the complaint to a higher body of Staff within their faculty.
Once a complaint has been resolved, the Administrator/Staff interface makes it simple to mark the complaint as resolved, thus closing the complaint and delivering a satisfaction survey to the Student. The survey is easy to use, with a unique and fun design, with the intention of enticing students to give their time to complete the survey.

AUComplaint sends email notifications to any Staff members that receive a complaint, whether it be a new complaint from a Student, or a passed complaint from another Staff member. The system also allows Staff to view a variety of detailed statistical reports based on analytics of all complaints made.

The system is customized to cater to the University’s requirements in full, allowing Secretaries, Directors and Deans of all 12 faculties to access and manage complaints made by students of their respective faculties.